Time Challenge

How do F1 teams change all 4 tyres in under 2 seconds? Answer – they work scientifically. We can teach you their... more

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KS2 Rocket Challenge

KS2 Rocket Challenge is one of our most frequently booked workshops. It is great fun, creating a real stir around the... more

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Wind Energy

The Wind Energy workshop encourages team work. KS2 children build a wind turbine to create energy. They then use their... more

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Solar Mars Rover

The Solar Mars Rover workshop uses the power of the sun to explore the surface of another planet – just as our... more

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Roller Coaster Run

Our Roller Coaster Run encourages creativity and imagination. It’s great fun too. Children compete to build the... more

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Mars Lander

This primary science workshop covers a lot of STEM topics including materials and their properties and forces. Today... more

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Elastic Racers

Elastic Racers is one of our most popular workshops. We investigate how to balance forces,energy, friction and... more

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