How do F1 teams change all 4 tyres in under 2 seconds? Answer – they work scientifically. We can teach you their... more
Read moreRead our latest news and be inspired. Do please contact us for ideas of how we can help bring science to life in your school.
KS2 Rocket Challenge
KS2 Rocket Challenge is one of our most frequently booked workshops. It is great fun, creating a real stir around the... more
Read moreCSI Biometrics
CSI Biometrics is one of a series of CSI workshops that stands equally well on its own. We collect and examine lots of... more
Read moreWind Energy
The Wind Energy workshop encourages team work. KS2 children build a wind turbine to create energy. They then use their... more
Read moreWind Turbines Challenge
Wind Turbines Challenge brings engineering and creative design together in a team based competition. Its guaranteed to... more
Read moreWater Cycle
The Water Cycle is a very popular workshop. Teachers book it to support the properties and changes of materials topic.... more
Read moreKitten Rescue
The Kitten Rescue workshop is full of practical science investigations. It has been designed to cover a number of... more
Read moreBlack Holes
Black Holes takes a difficult concept and makes it simple to understand. We do this using the right words and practical... more
Read moreMars Lander
This primary science workshop covers a lot of STEM topics including materials and their properties and forces. Today... more
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